Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Selfies and Polar Bears

So last weekend it really started to feel like the Arctic. With -40 windchill it was pretty chilly and our breath was condensing and freezing fast! Here are some pics after a 5 minute walk to our friends.



Arctic Cat

Last week at 3:30pm the moon was out and getting's even darker now!

The other day there were eight polar bear sightings around town, one right behind the school at about 8pm, and the people in the town couldn't scare it away, so they had to shoot it.

The next morning while I was at badminton practice, Laimiki ran in to the gym "Catherine...bring your camara..there's a bear at the end of town and we can see it before they scare it away!" We took off in his new SUV, to the wrong end of town, got turned around, but by the time we got to it, the bear had been shot after it was chasing one of the teachers!

People gathering to see the bear.

I did get some pictures of it, however, I'm not going to post them. 

There is a larger number of bears in and around town...this is a result of global warming. The bears are not able to get out of the town on the sea ice and so they are stuck in the area until they can go.

Thanks Stephen Harper for your oil sands! Grrrr.....

Stay tuned for the updates on the badminton tournament and Iqaluit adventure.

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