Hi Everyone...been a while...it's been really blustery with blizzards and wind chills keeping us inside, but with the sunshine, it's warming up to tolerable temperatures. Here are some fun pics of what we've been up to...
Ryan and Penelope chillin'
High School Hockey Afternoon at the arena
Tiff and Kelvin (Tiff plays for Team Nunavut...an awesome hockey player!)
Some students and Ryan with his favorite team jersey...too bad they didn't make it to the playoffs!
Julia and Ryan with some students:)
Nunavut celebrated it's 15th Birthday so the cooking class and I made cupcakes for the whole school!
Tiffany thought it would be nice to make them into the Nunavut Flag...it turned out awesome!
Shane and his Nunavut flag I got him for his birthday
Ready for the parade around town!
Benoit, Brendan and Veronica...three awesome grade 10's! And Benoit and Veronica made those parkas themselves at school!
Parading around town with the Nunavut flag...oh...and do you like my new mitts? One of my students made them! So talented Anita Kopak!
Shane supervising the grade 2's...so cute!
Many students have parkas and they have their names stitched on the back....Veronica made that parka herself!
Shane and I went out on the sea ice before a blizzard came in. We fed some dogs and got some pretty pics
Houses and boats
Repulse Bay from the sea ice (Hudson Bay)
Snowmobile tracks on the sea ice
Another view of the town
Shane feeding some puppies and dogs
Lunch time!
On a walk today, Shane and I saw this bleaching in the sun
And this...maybe a snack for later...these are common here...skins and antlers
Later today we went on a sled dog ride!
Me and Kate before our ride
Here we go!
Takin' a little break
View on the ride
Whale Bones just outside town
Arctic Sky and Ice
Open Arctic Sea Ice
Before take off
Shane and I ready to go!
On the sled...caribou hide...whale bones in the back
The sled and the Team!
We enjoyed such a beautiful day on the sea ice and came back to enjoy an afternoon with Carol and Bill eating homemade turkey soup, homemade muffins and delicious tea! Thanks Kennedy's!
Stay tuned for more Arctic Cat Adventures!