I know I haven't blogged in a while, but Shane and I were limited with our data and now that I'm back in NS, I'll update you with our December festivities.
We had a visitor in our classroom (Bearded Dragon) and the students loved him!
The students learned how to make wall hangings with felt and string
Calvin's sewing of an ulu (woman's knife for cutting meats)
Before our Christmas concert Shane enjoys drawing with the students
Christmas Concert Fun
Shane and Anderson (Cooper)
All dressed up!
Christmas stage
Door Decorations in the school
Grade 1's
Grade 2's
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5 (ours!)
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Science Lab
Senior Class
Shop Class
Beautiful moon from my classroom portable at 2:25pm (we have about 1.5 hours of daylight now)
Staff Pot Luck Dinner
Diane and Janie
"Yankee Swap"
Shane's morning snuggles with Isabelle
We've arrived back in NS for Christmas and I'm sure I'll have some pics from our Christmas holiday...so stay tuned for more Arctic Cat Adventures!